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A season behind

Under the Oak Tree18" x 24"

Under the Oak Tree
18″ x 24″

I know it’s cold and grey and almost winter, but I am just now getting excited about all of my fall photos and painting ideas. Here is the first one, a bit bigger than I usually paint.

I expect to be getting into winter paintings by the time spring rolls around.

6 Comments Post a comment
  1. Well, you do seem to have time to paint! Yay! Love all the colours – it makes me feel cheery.

    December 6, 2012
    • Yes I have had a bit of time – usually late at night. (I’m not complaining).

      December 7, 2012
  2. Love the light on the leaves – beautiful!

    December 6, 2012
  3. Wow! This is awesome Maxine!

    December 7, 2012
    • Thanks! Your enthusiasm makes me want to paint.

      December 7, 2012

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Maxine Wolodko Artwork