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Posts from the ‘Buildings’ Category

Crow in the Rain

Crow in the Rain 11″ x 14″

This is just a typical winter day in Vancouver. (Could also be spring, summer or fall….)

For sale on Daily Paintworks.

Leaning Granaries

Three Granaries 16″ x 20″

I was surprised to find out that this is how you spell granary.

Five in a Row

Five in a Row 16″ x 20″

August Sunset

August Sunset 11″ x 14″

Silo in Mayerthorpe

I was lucky to catch this amazing sunset while visiting Mayerthorpe last summer. I have a feeling that it might appear in future paintings as well!

Hub Hotel

Hub Hotel 11″ x 14″

Here is yet another familiar sight in Mayerthorpe. As I look back, I am surprised at how many paintings I’ve done of my home town – from the outskirts to side streets, and now all the way down Main.

Farm at Sunset

Farm at Sunset 11″ x 14″

Greencourt Garage

Greencourt Garage 14″ x 11″

Something cool to look at during this heat wave.

Storm Over Mayerthorpe

Storm Over Mayerthorpe 14″x 18″

This is the same storm that I painted in here, just a little further down the road. Is anyone else getting “Stranger Things” vibes from this one?

Grandma’s House

Grandma's House 8"x8"

Grandma’s House 8″ x 8″

This is a little painting of my Grandma’s house, which I have painted before. My style has changed quite a bit since the first one. I’m not sure who took this photo or how it got into my files, but thanks to the family member who shared it.

This painting is available as a print on Etsy.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork