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Posts from the ‘Events’ Category

Southlands Country Fair

Lazy 24" x 36"

Lazy 24″ x 36″

Next Sunday, September 25, I will be at the Southlands Country Fair. I will be in the market showing and selling my work. If you need a painting of a horse or a chicken, come see me! The hours are 10 am – 5 pm, at the Southlands Riding Club.







Sky Study 2

Sky - Study 2   8" x 10"

Sky – Study 2 – 8″ x 10″

Yikes! My painting time seems to have disappeared lately. I am finally posting this second sky painting and I have something new on my easel.

Last weekend I hung several paintings at Performance Works on Granville Island. My work will be there until June 2nd.

Another Tree?

Sunny Break  24" x 18"

Sunny Break 24″ x 18″

Yes, it’s another tree. I love painting trees, but I am quickly running out of names for these paintings. My titles tend to be descriptive, so how many ways can I possibly describe a yellow maple in the fall? Or an orange oak? I am open to suggestions.

Sunny Break - detail

Sunny Break – detail

I’ve zoomed in on a detail here to show the brushwork more clearly. I kind of like the composition I accidentally made with my cropping.

I want to thank everyone at Hycroft for having my work up this month, and to everyone who attended the opening on Sunday. Great to meet so many nice people!

Paintings at Hycroft

Paintings at Hycroft

Come for coffee at Corner Cup

Green to Yellow  24" x 18"

Green to Yellow 24″ x 18″

It is time for another show at Corner Cup, my local community coffee shop (4th and Blenheim, Vancouver). This painting and several others will be on display for the next month or so. If you stop by to see the artwork, chances are you might see me or a member of my family sitting and snacking – we spend far too much time there.

Three Chickens

Chickens – triptych 10″ x 30″

Chickens are such funny little animals, yet they always look so serious. They can also be frightening. Just ask my brother who was once traumatized by our Grandma’s rooster. He learned that roosters can run faster than little boys and he didn’t escape without a scratch or two.

In other news:
I have several paintings on display at the Port Moody Art Centre until the end of December. I had a great time at the opening last night and met so many nice people. A big thank you to the organizers, staff and fellow artists at the Port Moody Art Centre.

Fun at the Port Moody Art Centre.

Change of Scenery

Vines at Road 13We spent a week in the Okanagan this summer. Our routine involved lots of swimming (unavoidable with kids) and lots of wineries – we just went for the scenery. Okay, maybe we tasted a little bit. The landscape included lots of farms, fields, fences, old buildings and ideas!

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For me, the act of painting is rewarding in itself and I need no additional incentive. I can happily lock myself away and spend hours working alone. However I have found an additional, unexpected reward that comes from painting. It gives me the opportunity to connect with interesting and talented people who I wouldn’t otherwise meet. It’s exciting when someone likes a painting enough to let me know, and even better if they decide to take one home.

Speaking of talented people, I recently delivered a painting to Jennifer Hill. We connected online a while back, after she saw some of my paintings in a coffee shop. It was great to finally meet her. I am now a regular visitor to her blog, If you want to find delicious recipes and amazing photos you have to take a look (and prepare to get hungry).



International 18 x 14

This tractor reminds me of the one that my grandad used to give me rides on when I was a kid. I’m not sure if his was an International – I think it might have been a Case. For you mechanical types out there, please don’t look too closely at the inner workings. I’ve only approximated the bits and pieces of the motor. I was not going for accuracy as much as for capturing the character of this well-used machine.

This painting will be included in my upcoming show at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre (The Cultch) at 1895 Venables Street. The opening is on September 5, 6pm-8pm. Please stop by if you are in the neighbourhood.

An Unexpected Problem

September Maple 18 x 14

This painting has been done for a couple of weeks, however computer problems have kept me out of touch for a while.

It is an interesting experience to have your computer die. After the first feelings of frustration and panic, I realized that eliminating all of the fiddling around I do on the computer would free up a bit more painting time. I have not yet recovered my data, which means that I do not have access to my source files – several years worth of photos that I use for ideas and inspiration. So I found myself digging through my desk and found a very old file of printed photos that had once interested me. They have given me some new ideas and shifted my direction slightly. I am also anxious to get out and take some new photos – inspiration is everywhere!

(By the way, when I talk of reference photos, they are all my own pics, taken by me).

The Gift of Art

Old Grainery 8" x 10"

I recently met a new client who lives just a few blocks from me. She was interested in buying 2 paintings to give as 18th birthday gifts. For the first one, she chose Maple Trees, Jericho Park. For the second one, she expressed interest in my tiny painting of a grainery (shown here), but requested it at a larger size. Using the tiny one as a study, I created the new painting as an 8”x10”. These paintings will be traveling to the recipients in England. I know that some artists have trouble letting their work go, but I am very happy to pass my work along to others who appreciate it and find meaning in it. And I am very excited that it will be used to celebrate such a special occasion.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork