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Posts from the ‘Inspiration’ Category

House Finch and Blossoms

House Finch and Blossoms

I’m starting off the year with something bright and springy.

You can bid on this one at Daily Paintworks.

Sparrows and Winter Berries

Sparrows and Winter Berries 16″ x 20″

Something to brighten up the days when it is dark at 4:30. I think I’m starting to feel a bit festive!

Coming in for a Landing

Coming in for a Landing – 11″ x 14″

I’m not sure if I’m finished with this painting, but I don’t know what else to do with it. I like the bird, but it doesn’t seem to belong to the same world as the background. I think there are a couple of different styles going on. My solution – move on to something else.

All the Bees

Here are the rest of the bees. There are a couple that I like and a couple that I’m really not happy with and one that’s sort of okay. I won’t tell you my preferences, you can make up your own mind. I’ve used up all the small canvases and it’s time to move on.

The Shop

The Shop 14″ x 11″

This is quite different from my usual paintings. I painted it as a gift for my awesome nephew. Definitely fun to try something new! 


Buzz 8″ x 8″

This guy looks a lot like Buzz, a cute border collie that used to come to the office I worked at. He was skilled at loudly announcing visitors and used his protective instincts to keep delivery-men in line. All bark and no bite (except for that one time…). 

The Flock

The Flock 20″ x 16″

I actually had to look up whether a group of sheep is called a herd or a flock. Flock it is!

Black-crowned Sparrow

Black-crowned Sparrow 8″ x 8″


Downy Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker 8″ x 8″

It has been a long time since my last post. I got stuck on a painting that I just didn’t like. I think there were too many colours and I couldn’t make it work. It sat on my easel for a couple of weeks, then I had to move on. This latest painting goes in the opposite direction – using very muted colour . 

And here is the previous painting that I gave up on:

Blue Jay

Blue Jay 8″ x 8″

While painting this, I was watching this:

And I think that’s when they started winning!

Maxine Wolodko Artwork