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Posts from the ‘Inspiration’ Category

Fall in Vancouver

Changing Seasons 8" x 8"

Changing Seasons 8″ x 8″

It has been a very grey, rainy fall here in Vancouver. Maybe this painting will help to brighten things up a bit.

Available on Etsy.

The Boss

The Boss  8" x 8"

The Boss 8″ x 8″

I really liked my previous chicken painting, so when I shipped it off to a customer last week I had a strong urge to paint another one. Here he is!


Sunny  24" x 18"

Sunny 24″ x 18″

This is Sunny. He’s my daughter’s best friend. I painted this for her as a birthday surprise. If it wasn’t for Isabelle’s love of horses, I don’t think I would be painting them now. The hours I spend with her and the horses are always fresh in my mind when I sit down to paint. As your kids grow, you assume that you will show them things and teach them, but it ends up being the other way around.

And here they are – my favourite girl and her favourite horse!





Hens  8" x 8"

Hens 8″ x 8″

I am not done with the horses quite yet, but I thought I’d mix it up a bit with some chickens.

Buy on Etsy.



Brothers 8" x 8"

Brothers 8″ x 8″

This is number 4 in my series of 8″ x 8″ horse paintings. Part way through this painting I realized something was wrong. The the horse on the right had tiny little ears. They looked really silly and I’m not sure why it took me so long to notice. Luckily it was a quick fix and he now looks very perky.






Trotting 8″ x 8″

I love the swish of this guy’s tail. This has officially turned into a series. How many 8″ x 8″ horse paintings can I do?

Buy on Etsy

Looking Toward Home

Looking Toward Home 24" x 18"

Looking Toward Home 24″ x 18″

Why another horse? I’m not sure. All I can say is that my paintings are like a trail of bread crumbs – clues to where I’ve been and what I’ve seen. Trying to record the best parts so I don’t forget.




Ears and noses

Ears 8" x 8"

Ears 8″ x 8″

Noses 8" x 8"

Noses 8″ x 8″

I think I have been spending too much time in the barn lately.

Buy a painting on Etsy.

Low Tide and other little paintings on Etsy

Low Tide 4" x 6"

Low Tide 4″ x 6″

I did this little 4 x 6 to practice my sky and water. Considering that I live near the ocean, it rarely makes it into my paintings. Something I might have to explore further…

I have this and several other little paintings for sale in my Etsy store. All are original paintings, 8″ x 10″ or smaller.



Car Wash!


Car Wash!  18" x 24"

Car Wash! 18″ x 24″

The best part of this picture is the exclamation point! I love the enthusiasm.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork