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Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin 8″ x 8″

I’ve seen this type of bird around, but hadn’t heard of a Pine Siskin, which is a type of finch. This painting is for sale here.

Three Sparrows on a Fence

Three Sparrows on a Fence 11″ x 14″

In case you hadn’t seen enough Sparrow paintings, here is another one. It’s very similar to this recent one, but I wanted to try it with more saturated colour.

Celebrate Fall

Fall is here! And so are the Fall paintings! These two are up for auction.

Check them out here!

Autumn Gold 18″ x 24″
Stanley Park Maple 24″ x 18″


Paintings are starting to pile up, so I am putting a few of my older favourites up for auction.

Have a look here to see if there’s anything you like!
Auction ends in 2 days.

Sparrows and Pink Blossoms

Sparrows & Pink Blossoms 16″ x 20″

I am on a bit of a roll with the sparrows – I’m painting a couple more after this. I am really enjoying working with the brighter colours. Painting flowers is new to me, so I’m having fun figuring that out.

Chipping Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow 8″ x 8″

Chickadee and Blossoms

Chickadee and Blossoms 8″ x 8″

Adding a few flowers to my bird paintings has been fun. It’s a nice opportunity to try out new colour combinations. I can’t remember the last time I used pink!


Sparrows and Blossoms

Sparrows and Blossoms 20″ x 16″

Working on something bigger this time. With the larger size, there’s much more background space to consider. I tried to make it interesting, but not too busy, so that the focus stays on the birds. 

Sparrows on the Fence

Sparrows on the Fence 11″ x 14″

I like it when I can mix up the greens with another colour. Especially purple! Helps the birds to pop out, I think.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron 14″ x 11″

I never get tired of seeing all of the Blue Herons in Jericho Park in Vancouver. There are so many – nesting in the trees, feeding at the ponds and flying over. Further down along Spanish Banks, dozens wade into low-tide looking for a meal. Lots of painting opportunities.