Nov 21
Red Couch and Black Cat
October is a great time to paint a few black cats.
Don’t forget to check out my calendars at Magcloud!
Sep 28
Crow at Sunset
My plan was to paint a peaceful sunset scene, but as I worked I realized it was becoming quite ominous. Something about the red sky and barbed wire, I guess. I considered calling it Crow Post-Apocalypse but thought maybe that was going too far.
For sale on Daily Paintworks.
Sep 22
Hub Hotel
Here is yet another familiar sight in Mayerthorpe. As I look back, I am surprised at how many paintings I’ve done of my home town – from the outskirts to side streets, and now all the way down Main.
Sep 12
This is Milou, a friend of a friend.
Nobody wants to talk about the holiday season right now, but if anyone is thinking of giving a pet portrait for Christmas, this is a great time to get started!
Sep 6
White Rooster
This one is for sale on Daily Paintworks.
Aug 22
I was never happy with this painting so I decided to rework the background. The main focus should be the bird (which I like), but the background was much too busy for that to happen. I removed many of the blossoms, toned down the green and generally simplified the whole thing. I’m not sure it is a total success, but I do like the new version better.