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Cardinal and Berries

Cardinal and Berries 8″ x 8″

Now that it’s November, I can post some Christmas birds. This Cardinal is included in my Christmas card set available on Etsy.

Also – there is still time to get your 2022 calendar. Order here!


Lounging 8″ x 8″

This guy is looking forward to Halloween!

The Lariat

The Lariat 11″ x 14″

Another Mayerthorpe landmark. Couldn’t help but think of fries and gravy the whole time I worked on this.


Loons 8″ x 8″

2022 Calendars

2022 Calendars are ready to order! Choose from colourful birds or my favourite pet and animal portraits. Order here.

Wilson’s Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler 8″ x 8″

I have enjoyed seeing a few of these in the park throughout the summer. They are so tiny and quick, they can be easy to miss.

For sale on Daily Paintworks.

Blackbird in the Reeds

Blackbird in the Reeds 8″ x 8″

Daily Paintworks

Gold Finch and Chickadee

These two commissioned pieces were done in the summer, to be a gift for someone who loves his backyard birds.

Three Sparrows and an Art Show

Sparrows in Winter 8″ x 10″

This painting and many others are on display at Delany’s Coffee House in West Vancouver at Dundarave Village.

Crossing at Sunset

Crossing at Sunset 11″ x 14″

A tiny bird enjoying the sunset…

For sale on Daily Paintworks.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork