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Robin on a Fence Post

Robin on a Fence Post 8″ x 8″

For sale on Daily Paintworks.

Chipping Sparrow and Pink Blossoms

Chipping Sparrow and Pink Blossoms 8″ x 8″

For sale on Daily Paintworks.

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow 8″ x 8″

This is another bird you can find in abundance at our nearby pond. You’ll know if you happen to wander near a nest by the speed and proximity of their swooping.

Greencourt Garage

Greencourt Garage 14″ x 11″

Something cool to look at during this heat wave.

Kinglet and Blossoms

Kinglet and Blossoms 8″ x 8

For sale in my gallery at Daily Paintworks.

Two Sparrows

Two Sparrows 8″ x 8″


Leia 8″ x 10″

Another pet portrait for a local collector. I tried to coordinate the colours to bring out her amazing eyes.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Ruby-throated Hummingbird 8″ x 8″

I painted this one for an old friend.


This is the first time I’ve painted a lizard. It was a birthday gift for someone special. Tony is a Uromastyx (aka spiny-tailed lizard) – a really nice little pet.

Storm Over Mayerthorpe

Storm Over Mayerthorpe 14″x 18″

This is the same storm that I painted in here, just a little further down the road. Is anyone else getting “Stranger Things” vibes from this one?

Maxine Wolodko Artwork