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I have painted Molly with a daisy-chain crown on her head, as I was told that this is something she often wears. Suits her well, I think.

Lizzy and Salem

This is Lizzy and Salem. Pet portraits seem to be big this Christmas. So much fun!

Howe Sound

Howe Sound 14″ x 18″

I did this painting of Howe Sound for a couple who bought a painting several years ago. The previous one was of Jericho Park and English Bay – a view from the other side of the water.

Here is the older one:

Simba and Sweetie

Simba and Sweetie 8″ x 8″

I had fun with this portrait of Simba and Sweetie. It will be under someone’s Christmas tree this year!

Chickadee and Berries

Chickadee and Berries 8″ x 8″

While this is not strictly a Christmas painting, I think it would fit in nicely with our decorations this year.

Unless someone else wants it? For sale here!

Couch Kitty

Couch Kitty 8″ x 8″

How to paint a cat – in 5 steps.
For sale here.

Sparrows and Winter Berries

Sparrows and Winter Berries 16″ x 20″

Something to brighten up the days when it is dark at 4:30. I think I’m starting to feel a bit festive!

Coming in for a Landing

Coming in for a Landing – 11″ x 14″

I’m not sure if I’m finished with this painting, but I don’t know what else to do with it. I like the bird, but it doesn’t seem to belong to the same world as the background. I think there are a couple of different styles going on. My solution – move on to something else.

All the Bees

Here are the rest of the bees. There are a couple that I like and a couple that I’m really not happy with and one that’s sort of okay. I won’t tell you my preferences, you can make up your own mind. I’ve used up all the small canvases and it’s time to move on.

2021 Bird Calendars

This 2021 Calendar features some of my favourite bird paintings. Check it out and order here. Please share with anyone who might like one!

Maxine Wolodko Artwork