Apr 28
Hanging out at the pond.
Feels like spring here in Vancouver, so we will soon be doing lots of this. Throwing something into the pond means you will soon be surrounded by ducks.
Sun Peaks
We found these fields of wildflowers during a summer hike at the Sun Peaks Ski Resort. We had to navigate through a herd of cattle who were enjoying them just as much as we were.
Jan 17
Summerland Vineyard
The less I paint, the less I want to paint. The more I paint, the more I want to paint.
Thankfully, the second phrase describes my current condition.
This is Nikita. She lives at Southlands Farm. I am very lucky to have a barn full of horses just 10 minutes away, that I can visit whenever I want.
Dec 27
Yay, I’m painting!
It has been a very unproductive year for painting. When I sat down to work on these, I wasn’t sure I’d remember how. For the most part, I am pretty happy with them.
Apr 12
Painting space
Once again, I’m painting Jericho Park. I never get tired of it.
I have moved recently and will soon have a dedicated painting space. I hesitate to say studio, because it might be more of a nook or corner. For now I am painting in the kitchen, but I can’t complain because this is my view:
Feb 16
Autumn Gold
Here’s yet another picture of autumn in the park. I can never seem to capture the varieties of colour – endless shades of orange, fading to yellow, changing to green with a bunch of pink and red thrown into the shady areas. Rather than trying to do it all, I find it’s best to pick a direction and go with it. I decided to let the gold and yellow dominate in this one.