Tiny Painting – Sun Peaks
Not really into selfies, but here’s my hand.
Dec 12
As I was working on these, I couldn’t help but think of this sketch from Portlandia: Put A Bird On It!
Nov 29
It has begun. The assembly line of tiny paintings for Christmas. A very slow, one woman assembly line.
Need a card? Help yourself. Just click on the card you want, save the PDF and print onto 8.5″ x 11″ card stock. Cut and fold where indicated. (For personal use only please).
Here is yet another tree from Jericho Park. I am so lucky to have this park practically in my backyard. You can see an amazing variety of wildlife on any given day. I have seen: ducks, geese, eagles, herons, bats, harbour seals, rabbits, squirrels, beavers, turtles, racoons, frogs, crabs, all kinds of birds and even a coyote once. Perhaps choosing a tree to paint is a little boring…
Oct 5
Autumn is my favourite painting season. My attempts at capturing the golden light, long shadows and intense colours are not always successful, but I have a lot of fun trying.
The season always feels too short for me to take it all in and explore as much as I’d like. For me, the magic of painting is that it allows me to fully immerse myself in a place, to explore the colours, textures and mood for as long as I want. Hopefully, in the end, I have a piece of art that captures the character of that place or moment. (Sometimes it actually works).
One evening we found these guys on our favourite beach. It didn’t take long before they lost patience with me and my camera and walked away in a huff. Their attitude was quite different when we saw them in the park a week later. We had some food and suddenly they became a little TOO friendly.
Jul 18
I am not brave enough to post my work in progress. If the final painting is not a success, I like to have the option of forgetting it ever existed. Now that the painting is finished, I feel okay sharing some of my steps.
Jun 10
Can you spot the difference between these 2 paintings? Sometimes I think I’m finished, but after looking at the painting for a few days I see things that must be fixed. The lowest sign on the post HAD to be removed. Now if only I could figure out how to fix the grass…
May 14
So I haven’t been doing much painting lately. Time is short as we are packing up for a potential move. As I was pulling things out from the back of my closet, I found boxes of old watercolours. Since there’s nothing new to post, here are a few oldies. This feels a bit like cheating, but it’s all I’ve got.
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