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Roadside Inspiration

Leaning Fence

I saw this fragile looking fence beside a country road near my hometown of Mayerthorpe, Alberta. When I go home to visit, I always come back with lots of painting ideas from the town itself as well as the surrounding countryside. My brother or dad will usually take me for a drive so I can take lots of photos. It is a task that requires their patience as I continually shout out “Stop here! No, back up.” At this point I often jump out and hike around in the ditch to find just the right view-point. Then I get back in and we repeat this process a mile down the road. I hope they enjoy it as much as I do!


2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Kat #

    I really like this painting Max. Your complimentary colours are so beautiful and you captured the warmth so well in a scene that really could have come across as colder with the broken fence, dried grass and trees with no leaves. There’s something so unexpected about it!

    July 23, 2010
  2. I’m glad you like it, Kat. It was a bright, spring day – warm-looking, but cool feeling. I did exaggerate the warmth quite a bit. Perhaps hoping it would bring summer on a little more quickly.

    July 23, 2010

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Maxine Wolodko Artwork