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Posts tagged ‘Alberta’

Silo in Mayerthorpe

I was lucky to catch this amazing sunset while visiting Mayerthorpe last summer. I have a feeling that it might appear in future paintings as well!

Greencourt Garage

Greencourt Garage 14″ x 11″

Something cool to look at during this heat wave.

Storm Over Mayerthorpe

Storm Over Mayerthorpe 14″x 18″

This is the same storm that I painted in here, just a little further down the road. Is anyone else getting “Stranger Things” vibes from this one?

On the Tracks in Mayerthorpe

On the Tracks in Mayerthorpe 14″ x 18″

It has been a while since I painted anything from Mayerthorpe. Hanging out on the tracks isn’t the safest place to watch a storm, but it gave me a pretty nice view.

Deer Foraging

Deer Foraging 18″ x 14″

I thought this would be appropriate for the season, as it’s based on a photo from last spring in Alberta. Taken just before they all ran for the trees.

Green Giant

Green Giant 8" x 8"

Green Giant 8″ x 8″

Another trip to Mayerthorpe means another painting of the elevator. From a new angle. With different lighting.

For sale on Etsy.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork