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Posts tagged ‘bees’

All the Bees

Here are the rest of the bees. There are a couple that I like and a couple that I’m really not happy with and one that’s sort of okay. I won’t tell you my preferences, you can make up your own mind. I’ve used up all the small canvases and it’s time to move on.

Bee Series – 3 & 4

Here are two more little bee paintings. These are going pretty quick – if you don’t count two failed attempts before these. Always more to learn.

For sale here.

Happy Bees

A long time ago I bought a bunch of 4″ x 4″ canvases, but I can’t remember why. They have been sitting here for years. I decided that I wanted to paint some bees and these little canvases are perfect. I plan to use them all, so more bees to come!

For sale here.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork