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Posts tagged ‘bird art’

Sparrows and Blossoms

Sparrows and Blossoms 20″ x 16″

Working on something bigger this time. With the larger size, there’s much more background space to consider. I tried to make it interesting, but not too busy, so that the focus stays on the birds. 

Sparrows on the Fence

Sparrows on the Fence 11″ x 14″

I like it when I can mix up the greens with another colour. Especially purple! Helps the birds to pop out, I think.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron 14″ x 11″

I never get tired of seeing all of the Blue Herons in Jericho Park in Vancouver. There are so many – nesting in the trees, feeding at the ponds and flying over. Further down along Spanish Banks, dozens wade into low-tide looking for a meal. Lots of painting opportunities. 

Stellar’s Jay

Stellar’s Jay 8″ x 8″

Sparrow in Winter

Sparrow in Winter 8″ x 8″


Hummingbird 8″ x 8″

There seems to be a lot of hummingbirds around lately. I see or hear one every time I am out for a walk. I guess they are enjoying the stretch of sunny weather and perhaps the quiet, empty streets. 

Blue Jay

Blue Jay 8″ x 8″

Early Bird

Robin 8″ x 8″

The early bird gets the worm. It’s true – I recently read that Robins prefer to eat worms in the morning and fruit later in the day. 

Grey Jay

Grey Jay 8″ x 8″

I would have preferred this bird to pop out a bit more but I guess I was working against his natural camouflage. I even removed the snow from the branches, as it was too similar to his head. I’m still not quite happy with it, but time to move on to the next one. 


Crow #3

Crow (3) 8″ x 8″

Here is the last of the crows (for now). These paintings are available as prints on Etsy.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork