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Posts tagged ‘blue’

Blue Jay and Blue Sky

Blue Jay and Blue Sky 10″ x 10″

For sale on Daily Paintworks.

Steller’s Jay

Steller’s Jay 8″ x 8″

The first time I ever saw a Steller’s Jay was during a visit to BC, before moving here. There was a group of them in a picnic area where we stopped. I was fascinated by their beautiful colour, but nervous about their loud squawking and aggressive swooping. Obviously they were used to people sharing snacks with them. The ones I see around the city these day are much more polite.


Low Tide and other little paintings on Etsy

Low Tide 4" x 6"

Low Tide 4″ x 6″

I did this little 4 x 6 to practice my sky and water. Considering that I live near the ocean, it rarely makes it into my paintings. Something I might have to explore further…

I have this and several other little paintings for sale in my Etsy store. All are original paintings, 8″ x 10″ or smaller.




Tangled Trees

Tangled Trees 8 x 10

When a painting isn’t going well it can be extremely frustrating. More frustrating than missing the bus or listening to the kids fight or misplacing my phone. I get slightly obsessed with fixing the problem, and sometimes resort to painting out entire sections and redoing them. I guess I can chalk it up to learning and it is probably good for me.

Should I admit when a painting has been difficult? If I admit that I am not satisfied with my work, does that mean that others might try to pick out the problems? With respect to the painting above, I will say nothing and you can make up your own mind.



Maxine Wolodko Artwork