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Posts tagged ‘Cat’


This is another little pet portrait I did recently. I’m told that Luke understands both English and German, and likes to go for walks on his leash. Sounds like a pretty cool cat!


Tabby 8″ x 8″

This cat has a very intense stare. He looks like he’s going to pounce on one of my birds.

These cats are hanging out at the Corner Cup Coffee House.

Couch Kitty

Couch Kitty 8″ x 8″

How to paint a cat – in 5 steps.
For sale here.

Red Couch

Red Couch 8″ x 8″

I seem to have lots of time for painting these days…

My thought when painting this cat was that he was peaceful and relaxed, but somehow he’s ended up with an evil look in his eye. I find that stare to be a bit unnerving.  

Siamese Cat

Siamese Cat 8″ x 8″

No sudden movements – he’s ready to pounce.

Purple Kitty

Purple Kitty 8″ x 8″

I had fun with this one. Purple is my favourite colour!   

The Blue Door

Blue Door 8″ x 8″

It was nice to paint with a limited palette. I didn’t have to make so many decisions about what colours to use, just the tones and values. I like the simplicity and it was fun to focus on the textures surrounding the cat. 

Prints of this (and many others) are available on Etsy.

Cows and a cat

Just dropped off several paintings at Stock Home Design, including these three. Such a beautiful little shop with so much to see!


Stripes 8″ x 8″

Black Cat

Black Cat 8″ x 8″

I decided to paint fur instead of feathers this time. 

Maxine Wolodko Artwork