Posts tagged ‘chicken’
Apr 4
A set of chickens
These two little 6″ x 4″ paintings will be my last chickens for a while. Time to move on to something else I think.
The set is for sale on Etsy.
Feb 28
If I name a chicken after you (accidentally or on purpose), please don’t be offended. It doesn’t mean that you look or act or remind me of a chicken. Actually I find most of them to be quite beautiful. On the other hand, if you would like one of these chickens to have your name, please let me know!
This one’s for sale on Etsy.
Chickens. Not a very exciting name for a painting of chickens. This naming problem isn’t going to go away, as I have a few more chicken paintings planned. I could either number them (chicken 1, chicken 2, chicken 3), which would be really boring. Or I could just give them names, which is much more fun and adds a little personality. So, let me introduce you to Betty and Veronica.
This one is for sale on Etsy.
Jan 4
A horse, a chicken and a dog
Finishing off the year with these three, all for sale on Etsy.
I have really enjoyed painting animals in 2016. The chickens seem to be very popular and are really fun to paint. 2017 is the year of the Rooster, so of course I will have to include a few in my art this year.
Happy New Year!
The Boss
I really liked my previous chicken painting, so when I shipped it off to a customer last week I had a strong urge to paint another one. Here he is!
Nov 16
Three Chickens
Chickens are such funny little animals, yet they always look so serious. They can also be frightening. Just ask my brother who was once traumatized by our Grandma’s rooster. He learned that roosters can run faster than little boys and he didn’t escape without a scratch or two.
In other news:
I have several paintings on display at the Port Moody Art Centre until the end of December. I had a great time at the opening last night and met so many nice people. A big thank you to the organizers, staff and fellow artists at the Port Moody Art Centre.