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Posts tagged ‘dog’


Here’s Kato – another fun little pet portrait.


Here is Pepe! He is the last of my Christmas pet portraits.


I have painted Molly with a daisy-chain crown on her head, as I was told that this is something she often wears. Suits her well, I think.


Buzz 8″ x 8″

This guy looks a lot like Buzz, a cute border collie that used to come to the office I worked at. He was skilled at loudly announcing visitors and used his protective instincts to keep delivery-men in line. All bark and no bite (except for that one time…). 

A horse, a chicken and a dog


Finishing off the year with these three, all for sale on Etsy.

I have really enjoyed painting animals in 2016. The chickens seem to be very popular and are really fun to paint. 2017 is the year of the Rooster, so of course I will have to include a few in my art this year.

Happy New Year!

Hastings Mill Store

Hastings Mill Store  18"x24"

Hastings Mill Store 18″x24″

This is the Hastings Mill Store – known as Vancouver’s oldest building. You can read all about it’s history here. The park where it is located is my favourite picnic spot in the city. It sits up on a cliff overlooking English Bay, with a beautiful view of downtown and the North Shore mountains.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork