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Posts tagged ‘field’

Grandma’s House

Grandma's House 8"x8"

Grandma’s House 8″ x 8″

This is a little painting of my Grandma’s house, which I have painted before. My style has changed quite a bit since the first one. I’m not sure who took this photo or how it got into my files, but thanks to the family member who shared it.

This painting is available as a print on Etsy.


Rusty 14" x 11"

Rusty 14″ x 11″

I don’t seem to have a solid direction with my painting right now, so here is another horse. When I don’t know what I want to do next, it is important that I keep something on the easel. Sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike rarely works. It doesn’t really matter what I’m painting, I just have to keep at it and hopefully some ideas will emerge. Painting a bit of this and a bit of that is my plan for now.


Buttercup 16" x 16"

Buttercup 16″ x 16″

I went a little abstract with the background. Not sure if I like it…



Betty & Veronica 8″ x 8″

Chickens. Not a very exciting name for a painting of chickens. This naming problem isn’t going to go away, as I have a few more chicken paintings planned. I could either number them (chicken 1, chicken 2, chicken 3), which would be really boring. Or I could just give them names, which is much more fun and adds a little personality. So, let me introduce you to Betty and Veronica.

This one is for sale on Etsy.


Geese   3" x 3"

Geese 3″ x 3″

Geese on Easel

This one’s for sale on Etsy.



Trotting 8″ x 8″

I love the swish of this guy’s tail. This has officially turned into a series. How many 8″ x 8″ horse paintings can I do?

Buy on Etsy

Looking Toward Home

Looking Toward Home 24" x 18"

Looking Toward Home 24″ x 18″

Why another horse? I’m not sure. All I can say is that my paintings are like a trail of bread crumbs – clues to where I’ve been and what I’ve seen. Trying to record the best parts so I don’t forget.




Green and Gold

Green and Gold  16"x20"

Green and Gold 16″x20″

Sun Peaks

Fireweed 8"x 8"

Fireweed 8″x 8″

Sun Peaks Meadow 8" x 8"

Sun Peaks Meadow 8″ x 8″

We found these fields of wildflowers during a summer hike at the Sun Peaks Ski Resort. We had to navigate through a herd of cattle who were enjoying them just as much as we were.

Summerland Vineyard

Summerland Vineyard  18" x 24"

Summerland Vineyard 18″ x 24″

The less I paint, the less I want to paint.  The more I paint, the more I want to paint.

Thankfully, the second phrase describes my current condition.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork