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Posts tagged ‘pet portrait’

Red Couch and Black Cat

Red Couch and Black Cat 8″ x 10″

October is a great time to paint a few black cats.

Don’t forget to check out my calendars at Magcloud!


Milou 8″ x 10″

This is Milou, a friend of a friend.

Nobody wants to talk about the holiday season right now, but if anyone is thinking of giving a pet portrait for Christmas, this is a great time to get started!


Milo 14″ x 18″

This awesome dog belongs to my nephew. I took so many photos of him. The challenge was to catch him while he was still, and also to capture his personality – so alert, playful and fun!


I finished off 2021 with a few pet portraits. Here are Maisie and Fidget.


Leia 8″ x 10″

Another pet portrait for a local collector. I tried to coordinate the colours to bring out her amazing eyes.


This is the first time I’ve painted a lizard. It was a birthday gift for someone special. Tony is a Uromastyx (aka spiny-tailed lizard) – a really nice little pet.


Diego 8″ x 10″


Here’s Kato – another fun little pet portrait.


This is another little pet portrait I did recently. I’m told that Luke understands both English and German, and likes to go for walks on his leash. Sounds like a pretty cool cat!


Here is Pepe! He is the last of my Christmas pet portraits.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork