Blackbird at the Pond

For sale on Daily Paintworks.
Nov 7
This is another bird you can find in abundance at our nearby pond. You’ll know if you happen to wander near a nest by the speed and proximity of their swooping.
I like the diagonal movement in this one. It’s easy to imagine everything swaying back and forth in the breeze and the birds fluttering from one reed to the next.
For sale on Daily Paintworks.
I never get tired of seeing all of the Blue Herons in Jericho Park in Vancouver. There are so many – nesting in the trees, feeding at the ponds and flying over. Further down along Spanish Banks, dozens wade into low-tide looking for a meal. Lots of painting opportunities.
I had fun painting this loon. Lots to work on with all of the patterns and reflections. Not sure it’s a total success, but definitely good practice.
Apr 15
It took me a long time to finish this painting. I had trouble with the background. There were too many little shapes and colours and it was too complicated. This is the simplified version, so you can imagine how busy it was before. Not my favourite painting.
I did something different with the background here. I’m not sure if I like it, or if it looks like some crazy 70’s wallpaper.
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