Walking with Grampa

Another painting inspired by my recent trip home.
Feb 17
Nov 26
Once again I am working on these little 3 inch paintings, perfect for gift giving. I really enjoy them because they are quick and give me a break from my larger “serious” paintings. They remind me that painting should be fun. They also work as little studies for large paintings later on. I’ll be focusing on these until Christmas.
The sky of this painting reminds me of a jigsaw puzzle. If I made a cut along each power line, can you guess how many pieces would make up the sky? I counted 74. That’s right – 74! (No wonder this painting took me so long).
Here is the second yield sign painting. Like the previous one, it is a scene from Mayerthorpe – the Alberta town where I grew up. I always wonder what people think of me photographing their houses and then painting them. I admit that I feel very self-conscious about pointing the camera at private residences, but I do it all the time.
May 5
This is the first of two paintings I’m working on that prominently feature a yield sign. As I’ve worked on these I have been thinking and wondering – what is it about the yield signs? Why do I feel compelled to paint them?? I love the splash of red, but it’s more than that. I am not drawn to stop signs in quite the same way. I do, however, have the same attraction to power lines and light poles – they make a painting more interesting somehow.
Yield sign #2 should be completed next week.
Aug 2
Once again it’s the Mayerthorpe Grain Elevator, and it’s from almost the same angle as my previous painting, but at a much colder time of year.
Some of you may not want to look at this painting. We have been waiting a long time for summer to arrive, so you likely don’t want to be reminded of the piles of snow that melted just a couple of months ago. I think (hope ?) that summer is finally here, so I’m not sure what compelled me to paint this cold grey scene. I think that what really interested me was the criss-cross of power lines dividing up the sky. And on this little canvas (6″ x 6″), it was a lot of fun to do.
I’ll do something warmer next time, I promise.
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