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Posts tagged ‘wildlife’

Grizzly in Autumn

Grizzly in Autumn 14″ x 18″.

This was something I worked on for a special project last summer. Not my usual subject matter, but fun to do something different.

Cardinals in Autumn

Cardinals in Autumn 11″ x 14″

So much fun to paint these bright birds. (Even if I never get to see them here on the west coast).

More Chickadees!

Chickadees and Berries 11″ x 14″

There’s something about those red berries – they are so fun to paint. They seem to be popping up in quite a few of my paintings lately.

This painting is on it’s way to a special collector in BC.

Don’t forget – if you want a calendar for 2022, you can order here!

Chickadee and Berries

Chickadee and Berries 8″x8″

For sale on Daily Paintworks.


Loons 8″ x 8″

2022 Calendars

2022 Calendars are ready to order! Choose from colourful birds or my favourite pet and animal portraits. Order here.

Wilson’s Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler 8″ x 8″

I have enjoyed seeing a few of these in the park throughout the summer. They are so tiny and quick, they can be easy to miss.

For sale on Daily Paintworks.

Gold Finch and Chickadee

These two commissioned pieces were done in the summer, to be a gift for someone who loves his backyard birds.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Ruby-throated Hummingbird 8″ x 8″

I painted this one for an old friend.


Bohemian Waxwing 8″ x 8″
Cedar Waxwing 8″ x 8″

Maxine Wolodko Artwork