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Posts tagged ‘wildlife’

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch 8″ x 8″

I recently saw a nuthatch for the first time, so I’ve been wanting to paint it. I found out that it is the only bird that can walk straight down a tree trunk. It hides seeds in the trunk to eat later.

Chickadee and White Blossoms

Chickadee and White Blossoms 8″ x 8″

Chickadee and Purple Blossoms

Chickadee and Purple Blossoms

For sale on Daily Paintworks.

Pine Siskin

Pine Siskin 8″ x 8″

I’ve seen this type of bird around, but hadn’t heard of a Pine Siskin, which is a type of finch. This painting is for sale here.

Three Sparrows on a Fence

Three Sparrows on a Fence 11″ x 14″

In case you hadn’t seen enough Sparrow paintings, here is another one. It’s very similar to this recent one, but I wanted to try it with more saturated colour.

Sparrows and Pink Blossoms

Sparrows & Pink Blossoms 16″ x 20″

I am on a bit of a roll with the sparrows – I’m painting a couple more after this. I am really enjoying working with the brighter colours. Painting flowers is new to me, so I’m having fun figuring that out.

Chipping Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow 8″ x 8″

Chickadee and Blossoms

Chickadee and Blossoms 8″ x 8″

Adding a few flowers to my bird paintings has been fun. It’s a nice opportunity to try out new colour combinations. I can’t remember the last time I used pink!


Sparrows on the Fence

Sparrows on the Fence 11″ x 14″

I like it when I can mix up the greens with another colour. Especially purple! Helps the birds to pop out, I think.

High Alert

High Alert 14″ x 11″

Maxine Wolodko Artwork