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Posts tagged ‘wildlife’

Deer Foraging

Deer Foraging 18″ x 14″

I thought this would be appropriate for the season, as it’s based on a photo from last spring in Alberta. Taken just before they all ran for the trees.

Sparrow in Winter

Sparrow in Winter 8″ x 8″


Hummingbird 8″ x 8″

There seems to be a lot of hummingbirds around lately. I see or hear one every time I am out for a walk. I guess they are enjoying the stretch of sunny weather and perhaps the quiet, empty streets. 

Squirrel (No. 2)

Squirrel 8″ x 8″

Here is another curious, playful squirrel. Or if I’m realistic, he’s probably wary, defensive and ready to run. But still cute. 

Early Bird

Robin 8″ x 8″

The early bird gets the worm. It’s true – I recently read that Robins prefer to eat worms in the morning and fruit later in the day. 


Squirrel 8″ x 8″

There are so many squirrels in my neighbourhood that I guess it was inevitable that I would paint one eventually. Most of the squirrels around here are black or grey, but I made this one a bit more red, because it worked so well with the background colour. 

Crow Pecking

Crow Pecking 11″ x 14″

Resting Crows

Resting Crows 18″ x 14″


Loon 8″ x 8″

I had fun painting this loon. Lots to work on with all of the patterns and reflections. Not sure it’s a total success, but definitely good practice. 

Crow #3

Crow (3) 8″ x 8″

Here is the last of the crows (for now). These paintings are available as prints on Etsy.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork