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Posts tagged ‘wildlife’

Crow #2

Crow (2) 8″ x 8″

I really enjoyed working on the first crow painting, so I decided to do a couple more. Here is # 2.

Crow #1

Crow 8″ x 8″

This is the time of the year when you see young crows learning to fly. They are so vulnerable – usually sitting helplessly on the ground until they figure it out. I watched one little guy get off the ground, only to slam into the side of a parked car. Kind of comical once I realized he was okay.   

Blue Jay

Blue Jay (2) 8″ x 8″


Another Blackbird

Red-winged Blackbird (3) 8″ x 8″

I’m much happier with this black bird than I was with the last pair.  

Red-winged Blackbirds

Red-winged blackbirds 14″ x 11″

It took me a long time to finish this painting. I had trouble with the background. There were too many little shapes and colours and it was too complicated. This is the simplified version, so you can imagine how busy it was before. Not my favourite painting.  

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing 8″ x 8″

I’ve gotten a little behind on my posting over the Christmas season. Here’s one from last month. 


Black-capped Chickadee 8″ x 8″

I clearly have a thing for Chickadees, since this is the third one I’ve painted recently. I’m pretty happy with how they’ve turned out. And even happier that one has sold!  


Starling 8″ x 8″

Once again I was challenged by the shiny, shimmery, iridescence of feathers. I was trying to capture all of the colours that were reflected back from his feathers, but also wanted to show how shiny he was. I don’t think I succeeded (but I like how the head turned out).


Rufous Hummingbird

Rufous Hummingbird 8″ x 8″

After my previous hummingbird fail, I wasn’t sure how this one would go. I find the shiny iridescent feathers difficult to paint. What colour do I choose for something that looks green and orange at the same time? Keeping it simple works best for me. Paint less colours instead of more, and let your imagination fill in the rest.    


Robin 8″ x 8″

Maxine Wolodko Artwork