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Time to freshen things up

For a while now I have been thinking about redesigning my website. Ideally I’d like my new website to include: a gallery of all work, a blog to present new work and share news, and a store.

Currently, my original paintings are for sale on Etsy and prints are available on Imagekind, but my plan is to be able to sell items directly from my own website. Etsy and Imagekind are great sites, but they don’t give me the kind of control that handling my own sales would. For instance, if someone purchases a print from my Imagekind store, I do not have access to their name or info. I am never able to thank those who have purchased prints of my work. (So if you are one of those people, I thank you now! I was not ungrateful – I just didn’t know it was you!).

Anyway, the process has begun. I am slowly working away at my new site. I’m sure this will be a long process – there hasn’t been lot of free time these days with the kids being out of school. On the rare occasions that I have a block of time to myself, I have to choose between painting and working on the website – and painting is just way more fun.

This is a very, very preliminary look at what I’ve been working on:

website idea

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Hi Maxine

    I have just been going through the same thing – I actually jsut transferred my site to FIne Art Studios Online (FASO) – love it, pretty easy to set up and blog from. A lot of artists I knwo love wteh WordPress platform as well – and aartists with gallery representation are now only blogging and not maintaining a website. So much to explore. All the best

    August 15, 2011
  2. Thanks Helen. I am using a WordPress template, but there is still lots to work out. Your site looks great!

    August 15, 2011

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Maxine Wolodko Artwork