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Another Tree?

Sunny Break  24" x 18"

Sunny Break 24″ x 18″

Yes, it’s another tree. I love painting trees, but I am quickly running out of names for these paintings. My titles tend to be descriptive, so how many ways can I possibly describe a yellow maple in the fall? Or an orange oak? I am open to suggestions.

Sunny Break - detail

Sunny Break – detail

I’ve zoomed in on a detail here to show the brushwork more clearly. I kind of like the composition I accidentally made with my cropping.

I want to thank everyone at Hycroft for having my work up this month, and to everyone who attended the opening on Sunday. Great to meet so many nice people!

Paintings at Hycroft

Paintings at Hycroft

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Lemony Linden? Love thsi painting Maxine – the colours are wonderful

    March 4, 2013
  2. Thanks Helen. Now I know who to ask. You are a writer as well as a painter!

    March 4, 2013
  3. Congrats on your showing at Hycroft.

    March 4, 2013

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Maxine Wolodko Artwork