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Cattails in Jericho Park

Cattails in Jericho Park 18" x 14"

This is the third painting in a series inspired by Jericho Park. The pond and surrounding cattails are a beautiful part of the park and a lot of fun to paint. I did, however, have some trouble with this painting. The problem I was having was that the cattails are quite complex (there’s a lot going on in those tangled up leaves), and the background is also quite complex (lots of high-contrast reflections on the pond). I wanted the cattails to be the main focus of this painting, but because the reflections on the water are so interesting, I think your eye travels there instead. I added some red to the dark cattails, hoping that they would pop to the front. I’m not sure if I have succeeded here, but it’s definitely given me something to think about.

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Jericho Arts Centre

Jericho Arts Centre

Jericho Arts Centre (JAC) is a 135-seat performance venue located near Jericho Beach on Vancouver’s West Side. I am very happy to be showing my artwork there during the month of April. To learn more about JAC and the current performance, please visit

More Inspiration from Jericho Park

Sailboat, Jericho Park 14"x 18"

Jericho Park is about a 5 minute walk from where I live. It is a beautiful place to visit with its forest trails, sandy beach, grassy fields, duck pond and sailing club. It also seems to be generating lots of painting ideas for me (see my previous post about my favourite tree).

I must have passed by this little sail boat 100 times as it sat abandoned on the path behind the sailing club. I always admired the way it seemed to glow even on the grayest of days (lots of those here in Vancouver). I am so glad that I took some photos of it one sunny morning, because one day when I walked past, it was gone.

I think it’s safe to say that there will be more paintings of Jericho Park in my future. It would be fun to do a series of all of my favourite spots. Which one should I do next…

P.S. This painting will be for sale at my April show at the Jericho Arts Centre.

Thank you Melissa. Thank you Linny.

I am very pleased to have an article posted on 365 Days of Genius – Melissa Dinwiddie’s site about creativity. Since writing doesn’t really come naturally to me, I have to thank Melissa for her encouragement and coaching with this article. If you are involved in any sort of creative endeavor, you’ll find some great articles and resources on this site.

On a related note, I also would like to thank Linny D. Vine for mentioning me on her blog. I shared some photos of the Mayerthorpe grain elevator with her and she created the most beautiful painting. Please go have a look.

My Favourite Tree

Catalpa Tree, Jericho Park 14" x 18"

This is a painting of my favourite tree. It is on my jogging route in Jericho Park and I run by it three times a week. (Okay, sometimes only twice a week). It is lumpy, twisted, lop-sided and beautiful. I’ve loved this tree for a long time, but have to admit that I didn’t know what kind it was. As I was painting this tree, I knew that I really must find out what it was, so enlisted the expertise of Dawn at the Jericho Stewardship Group. After some investigating, she informed me that it is called a Catalpa Tree.

This painting shows the landscape and tree in the winter. I realize how lucky I am to live in a climate with such a bright green winter. Even so, I think I would like to try this again in the summer, when the Catalpa has its leaves and the park looks a bit warmer. In summer, as you might imagine, the long, lower branch is often full of children who find it easy to climb. Another reason this tree is so well-loved.

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Vegetable Study

Carrots & Zucchini 9" x 12" Acrylic on Canvas

This painting is small, but it seemed to take forever to finish. Lately I’ve had having trouble finding more than one continuous hour of  painting time. Today I finally did and finished it fairly quickly. I always find it to be curious that I can’t predict what will be the most difficult part of a painting. I thought I’d breeze through the carrots and struggle with the zucchini, but I found the carrots to be the most challenging.

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Two more little pictures

Dirt Road 2" x 2"

Cow 2" x 2"

Both of these are inspired by the Alberta landscape.

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BC Fruit

BC Fruit 11" x 14"

Yet another subject from our local farm. I had a lot of fun with these apples. It was tricky to find all the different shades of yellow and green that I saw. I was trying to make the colourful apples pop out from the background of dull brown.

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Tiny Pumpkin

Pumpkin - Tiny Painting (1 of 3)

Pumpkin - Tiny painting 2" x 2"

Another tiny painting complete (actually I did three of these). You might notice some resemblance to the pumpkin image in my blog header above (see larger pumpkin here). I used the same reference image for both. The large one was painted about a year ago.

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A Few More Minis

Black-eyed Susans - 2" x 2"

Here are a few more of these tiny paintings. They are so much fun, but not necessarily easy. I have to constantly remind myself not to get too fussy with the details. I think the most successful of these are the ones where the details are generalized.

Grandma's Barn - 2" x 2"

Jericho Park - 2" x 2"

Red Graineries - 2" x 2"

These little paintings are available from my Etsy Store or you can send me a message directly.

Maxine Wolodko Artwork