Positively Petite
Starts tomorrow, 7pm!

Nov 16
This painting and many others are on display at Delany’s Coffee House in West Vancouver at Dundarave Village.
Feb 15
I’m already seeing lots of these guys and it’s not even spring yet!
Here are my birds (and my tree) on display at Stock Home Design at 3060 West Broadway, Vancouver.
Mar 4
Yes, it’s another tree. I love painting trees, but I am quickly running out of names for these paintings. My titles tend to be descriptive, so how many ways can I possibly describe a yellow maple in the fall? Or an orange oak? I am open to suggestions.
I’ve zoomed in on a detail here to show the brushwork more clearly. I kind of like the composition I accidentally made with my cropping.
I want to thank everyone at Hycroft for having my work up this month, and to everyone who attended the opening on Sunday. Great to meet so many nice people!
This tractor reminds me of the one that my grandad used to give me rides on when I was a kid. I’m not sure if his was an International – I think it might have been a Case. For you mechanical types out there, please don’t look too closely at the inner workings. I’ve only approximated the bits and pieces of the motor. I was not going for accuracy as much as for capturing the character of this well-used machine.
This painting will be included in my upcoming show at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre (The Cultch) at 1895 Venables Street. The opening is on September 5, 6pm-8pm. Please stop by if you are in the neighbourhood.
I will soon be delivering these tiny paintings to Oh Brothers. They are 3” x 3”. I love working on these little canvases and hope to finish a bunch more before Christmas (might be perfect for that hard-to-buy-for person on your list…).
In other news, I just finished another painting, but I can’t post it here yet. I have submitted it to the Anonymous Show put on by the North Vancouver Arts Council. The show will consist of over 600 unsigned 8” x 8” paintings, all priced at $100. The sale and opening is on Nov. 24, 7-9:30pm. All the info is here.
I just wanted to update you on where you can find my artwork in Vancouver.
I have recently dropped off 3 new paintings at Laura K. Jewitt Design, a jewelry shop at 4469 West 10th Avenue. Thank you Laura for selling my Boathouse painting last month!
And last (but certainly not least), you can find a few of my paintings at Oh Brothers, 2575 West Broadway. They have a great selection of hand crafted items by Canadian Artists.
Now that all of my work is out in the neighbourhood, I better go make some more.
Apr 5
Jericho Arts Centre (JAC) is a 135-seat performance venue located near Jericho Beach on Vancouver’s West Side. I am very happy to be showing my artwork there during the month of April. To learn more about JAC and the current performance, please visit www.jerichoartscentre.com.
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