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Posts tagged ‘green’

Boy in the Meadow

Boy in the Meadow 8″ x 8″

The boy in this meadow is my son. This is how the meadow looks in the spring with lupines and buttercups blooming. It’s full of birds, insects and frogs, which makes it one of his favourite places.

I had some trouble with this painting. It is an overcast day and the lighting is very flat. I am used to adding dimension with highlights and shadows, but in this picture they are very subtle. I’m not sure I succeeded with this painting – something to keep working on I guess.

Grandma’s House

Grandma's House 8"x8"

Grandma’s House 8″ x 8″

This is a little painting of my Grandma’s house, which I have painted before. My style has changed quite a bit since the first one. I’m not sure who took this photo or how it got into my files, but thanks to the family member who shared it.

This painting is available as a print on Etsy.


Rusty 14" x 11"

Rusty 14″ x 11″

I don’t seem to have a solid direction with my painting right now, so here is another horse. When I don’t know what I want to do next, it is important that I keep something on the easel. Sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike rarely works. It doesn’t really matter what I’m painting, I just have to keep at it and hopefully some ideas will emerge. Painting a bit of this and a bit of that is my plan for now.

Green Eyes

Green Eyes 11" x 14"

Green Eyes 11″ x 14″

I’ve always liked drawing and painting cats. I’ve gotten to know a few regulars while walking through my neighbourhood. This painting was inspired by a friendly cat named Patrick who likes to get underfoot as you walk down his block.

Lily Leaves

Lily Leaves  11" x 14"

Lily Leaves 11″ x 14″

Walking around the neighbourhood, I see so many beautiful flowers. When it comes to painting though, I wanted to focus on the leaves. It’s interesting how there seems to be a pattern within the tangle. They’re all trying to grow as high as they can before drooping down. All doing their best to maximize on their sun exposure. Not an easy thing this year, with our cold, late spring.

I have added a bunch of prints to my Etsy site. Have a look!

Green and Gold

Green and Gold  16"x20"

Green and Gold 16″x20″

The Vineyard (again)

Vineyard at Mont Redon 11"x14" - painted in 2012

I painted this from an old photo that I took while traveling in France. It is the second time I’ve painted it. I wanted to try it again because my first attempt was many years ago (10 to be exact), and I think that my style has evolved since then. I deliberately did not look at the first painting before doing this one. However, I couldn’t help but compare them after I’d finished.

I can see that I have become less adventurous with my colour – or to put a positive spin on it, more accurate with my colour.  I also see that I am more precise with shapes and forms. What I used to imply loosely, I now work to make more solid. I am not sure that this is a good thing. My older painting is shown below. (I apologize for the glare in this photo. It seems I have become more careful about photographing my work as well).

Vineyard at Mont Redon 16"x20" - painted in 2002


Buy Vineyard at Mont Redon (2012 version)

Maxine Wolodko Artwork