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Three Chickens

Chickens – triptych 10″ x 30″

Chickens are such funny little animals, yet they always look so serious. They can also be frightening. Just ask my brother who was once traumatized by our Grandma’s rooster. He learned that roosters can run faster than little boys and he didn’t escape without a scratch or two.

In other news:
I have several paintings on display at the Port Moody Art Centre until the end of December. I had a great time at the opening last night and met so many nice people. A big thank you to the organizers, staff and fellow artists at the Port Moody Art Centre.

Fun at the Port Moody Art Centre.

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. I’m so glad you had a great time at the opening – that wasn’t so bad! Love the chickens.

    November 16, 2012
  2. Chloe #

    Great job, Max! I love the chickens triptych. 😉

    November 17, 2012
  3. Greg Tulloch #

    Thanks Maxine…..I was almost over it,,,,,,ahhhhh

    November 19, 2012

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Maxine Wolodko Artwork