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Cattails in Jericho Park

Cattails in Jericho Park 18" x 14"

This is the third painting in a series inspired by Jericho Park. The pond and surrounding cattails are a beautiful part of the park and a lot of fun to paint. I did, however, have some trouble with this painting. The problem I was having was that the cattails are quite complex (there’s a lot going on in those tangled up leaves), and the background is also quite complex (lots of high-contrast reflections on the pond). I wanted the cattails to be the main focus of this painting, but because the reflections on the water are so interesting, I think your eye travels there instead. I added some red to the dark cattails, hoping that they would pop to the front. I’m not sure if I have succeeded here, but it’s definitely given me something to think about.

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4 Comments Post a comment
  1. I love everything about this painting – the light is amazing, feels like that magical hour just before the sun starts setting. My eye definitely goes to the cattails first, I think you succeeded there.

    April 10, 2011
    • Thanks Jennifer, I’m glad you like it. Your feedback is so helpful!

      April 10, 2011
  2. KERRY #

    Hi cousin,you have a very unique style. Its different from anything ive seen,but thats what it takes to become great, and you really are on your way. Great work keep it up. Ive got to get to one of your shows someday let me know when you have one closer to home here.

    April 10, 2011
    • Hi Kerry. Thanks for your comment! I’ll definitely let you know if I have anything up in Alberta.

      April 10, 2011

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Maxine Wolodko Artwork