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What’s My Style?

Winter Tracks 8" x 10"

Winter Tracks 8″ x 10″

Recently, someone who has never seen my work asked me what style my paintings are. I should know how to answer that, but I was at a loss. I don’t know the answer. I know what I paint and why I paint it, but I don’t know what my style is called. It occurred to me that I should have a short prepared statement that I can rattle off when needed, so I am giving it some thought. These are the first words that come to mind: design, pattern, bold colour, light vs. shadow, simplified. I will keep thinking. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. Whatever your style is, I really enjoy looking at the work you do. That would be a question I would have a hard time answering too.

    August 1, 2012
  2. Lovely shadows here : )

    November 9, 2012

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Maxine Wolodko Artwork