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Yellow Ochre

Spring Bales  18" x 24"

Spring Bales 18″ x 24″

This painting helped me use up one of the tubes of yellow ochre that I have stockpiled. Sometimes when I’m at the art store, I have trouble remembering what colours I need. For some reason I always pick up a tube of yellow ochre. Even after this painting I still have two unopened tubes in my cupboard (but no burnt umber or sap green which I need most).

4 Comments Post a comment
  1. Lovely use of yellow ochre. Now, how about too many tubes of Payne’s Grey?

    June 20, 2013
    • Probably says something about our personalities…
      Maybe we could do a trade?

      June 20, 2013
  2. suzanne #

    what other colors were on your palette for this

    August 15, 2013
  3. Hi Suzanne. I used burnt sienna, burnt umber and yellow for the warm areas. For the shadows I added some cerulean blue, phthalo blue and alizarine crimson.

    August 15, 2013

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Maxine Wolodko Artwork