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Down by the Tracks

Down by the Tracks

This is another little picture from my hometown. It provided me with a great opportunity to practice painting snow.  If you think that snow is white, you should try painting it sometime.  I  saw endless colours there, but chose several shades of blue and beige to render it. I don’t feel 100% happy with the result, but I do love the contrast between the cool blues and the bright red rail car.

I also had lots of fun painting the Canada logo – can you tell that my other job is Graphic Design…

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7 Comments Post a comment
  1. I really like this painting. The enjoyment I imagine you had painting it is contagious. Nice work.

    May 30, 2011
  2. Thanks for your comment Karl. Yes, I think there will be more snow paintings in my future.

    May 30, 2011
  3. KERRY #

    the tree reflections dont match,just messing with you Max,it looks just fine. To bad the yield sign wasnt facing out. I know what you mean about the color of snow it reflects many of the colors around it,and alot the sky as snow isnt white it is crystal and is more like a prism and holds all the color of a rainbow if that helps you understand it a bit more in what you are seeing.Like most everything else its not just just red,blue and yellow but mixtures of all.You mix your colors well and keep it simple enough to draw attention to your view point. I love your style of painting,dont tell people what you dont like about it,they will never find it.Only you see it because you painted it,and an artist is never totally happy with the whole picture,but trying to achieve perfection will ruin alot of your work trust me I know.Never try to over do it. Your last brush stroke has to be signing your name then its put into the last page of experience to look back on and used as a reference.I think as some say Michelangelo never really did finish the sistine chapel because he didnt know how to say its done.Anyway I like this one better than some of your others the water pulls away just enough to make the box car not to stand out and overwealm the painting,my opinion is its another job well done.Not that my opinions worth anything but I think its really good work.

    May 30, 2011
  4. KERRY #

    looked at it again its a good thing the yield sign isnt turned around it would throw the painting off.LOL

    May 30, 2011
  5. Thanks Kerry. Of course your opinion is worth something! Your comments are very helpful and encouraging. Here’s my question for you – are you doing any art these days?

    May 31, 2011
  6. Melody #

    Maxine so many people leave our hometown and never look back, you make me proud and happy to say I returned and am enjoying the simple moments that you capture so well. Every picture has a memory, and it makes me grateful that my kids are getting some of those memories now too.

    June 12, 2011
  7. Thanks Mel. One of the things I like most about visiting is looking around for painting ideas – and I always find LOTS!

    June 12, 2011

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Maxine Wolodko Artwork