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Winter Bales

Winter Bales 18" x 14"

After finishing my Fine Arts degree, I stopped painting for several years. The job I took to pay the bills had nothing to do with art. I kept on drawing in my spare time, but without the direction and studio space provided by art class, I did not paint. I can’t remember what inspired me to pick up a brush again, but I do remember what I painted. It was an awful picture of hay bales that I did on cardstock. It was my first attempt at working with acrylics, and it did not turn out well. As bad as the painting was, it obviously sparked my interest in painting again. After practicing for a few years, I now love acrylics and I am much happier with my latest attempt at hay bales.

One Comment Post a comment
  1. I like acrylics,far better than oils,you dont have to wait so long to fix mistakes,with oils Ide never get finished: LOL

    April 28, 2012

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Maxine Wolodko Artwork